Naruto Shippuden Episode 34

Title: "Formation! New Team Kakashi"
Date: November 15, 2007

Naruto, Choji and Shikamaru attempt to capture and interrogate Sai, but Sai withdraws after insulting Naruto. Shortly afterward, Ino appears. Concerned that the demon fox could fall into Akatsuki hands, the village elders challenge Tsunade's plan to send Naruto out of the village without the still bedridden Kakashi. Tsunade promises to protect Konoha with her own life if Naruto is captured, but is still forced to compromise with Danzo by adding Sai to Team Kakashi. She also temporarily replaces Kakashi with ANBU member Yamato and warns him to keep an eye on Sai. Naruto and Sakura finally meet their new team members, and Naruto is immediately angered upon Sai's appearance.


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